Script for Sequel Police #1

Description: Only appears during the intro. Should sound as similar as possible to his "Space Quest IV"-counterparts.

101 - Intro - SQ12 Xenon - Interior

Roger Jr.: Follow me. There are many things we need to talk about.
[SP11] Sequel Police #1: Quick! This way!
Comment: Fake line code - this will probably have to be implemented as a sound effect.
Computer: Format Complete in 1 minute
[SP12] Sequel Police #1: We have failed. Wilco has initiated the mainframe wipe.
Sequel Police #2: Can you recover any data?
[SP13] Sequel Police #1: Affirmative. We can back up Vohaul's mind and proceed with emergency plan B.
Sequel Police #2: Plan B? I doubt our predecessors are up to the job.
[SP14] Sequel Police #1: I understand your concern, but our instructions were clear.
Sequel Police #2: Agreed. We have no alternatives.
Comment: Fake line code - this will probably have to be implemented as a sound effect.
Computer: Format Complete in 15 seconds
[SP15] Sequel Police #1: Backup complete. Open the time rip.
[SP16] Sequel Police #1: Long, may Vohaul rule supreme!
Sequel Police #2: Long, may Vohaul rule supreme!

[SP17] Sequel Police #1: Hey, I'm still okay!
Narrator: Many years earlier, at an unknown, formerly Vohaul-controlled planet...